A few details are beginnging to unfold.
Photographer: CHECK! I am so extremely excited about our photographer... aside from her being the sister of my best friend, we also grew up 3 houses down from each other. The amazingly talented Melissa Butler owner of Emby Photography will be shooting our engagement pics, my bridals, and our ceremony and reception on the big day. We have already shared a few ideas for our engagement and the thought of it makes me beside myself with excitement. She just started doing photography on the side from her being a teacher AND a mom of 4... and her work is so awesome.

Check out her Emby Photography blog to see all of her creative work she has done so far.
Ceremony site: CHECK! We are having our ceremony at the Avenue Church in Waxahachie.
Minister: CHECK! My brother, Chase, will be marrying us which I am thrilled about! He has never done a wedding before so it will be interesting but so personable at the same time... can't wait!!!
Reception site: CHECK! The reception will be held at the Red Oak Muncipal Center. We went to see this a few weekends ago and are thinking it's perfect and we can do so much to it for a May wedding since there are doors to a covered patio from the ballroom.
Wedding party: CHECK! I am so fired up about this group of people. We love each one so much and are SO happy they have agreed to make this day extra special to us. My group of girls include my two cousins Abby and Katy, best friends Taylor, Sarah, and Blaire, sister-in-law Cali, future sister-in-law Amanda, and cousin Hannah as the flower girl.
Brent's group of guys are his brother-in-law Brian, furture brother-in-laws Chase and Jake, cousin Whitney, and best friends Bates, Jake, and Davis and nephew Brock as the ring bearer.
That's all so far... I'm thinking I'm going to really get truckin' along as soon as Summer hits and school is out... I'll be full force then. Stay tuned for more. Happy Tuesday!!!